- 予約確認 Booking confirmation
予約キャンセルの手順Cancellation procedure
- 1.予約確認メールに記載された予約IDとメールアドレスを入力し、予約検索します。
- 2.予約情報の右側にキャンセルボタンが表示されますので、そのボタンを押して確認ダイアログでOKを押します。
- 1.Enter the reservation ID and e-mail address stated in the reservation confirmation e-mail, and make a reservation search.
- 2.Since the cancel button is displayed on the right side of the reservation information, press that button and press OK in the confirmation dialog.
※Please note that cancellation will not be completed unless you press the URL stated in the email. If you do not receive the final confirmation email, please cancel by phone.0946-42-5556